Ready – Aim – Celebrate

The main ideas can be applied to any goal. However, on this page, the emphasis is on weight loss as a goal.

What do I mean by ready?
Being “ready” is when you know exactly WHY you want to lose weight.

Do you want to lose weight for yourself?  That is a much better reason than wanting to lose weight because somebody else said you should.

What are some benefits you would like to have as a result of weight loss?
• Look and feel better
• Enjoy better health and wellness
• Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence
• Fit into old clothes or totally rock a new set of clothes
• Have more pep and energy

Knowing WHY you want to lose weight is important because that is your motivation to reach your goal.

“Aim” means to focus on the target (your goal) and take the steps to get there.

With a weight loss goal, the steps might include a plan about what to eat and what to avoid, taking a nutritional supplement and a plan for some sort of physical activity, whether it’s just casual walking or strenuous exercise.

It helps to break a major goal down into some mini-goals. For example, if you want to lose 50 pounds, start with a mini-goal of 2 pounds per week, 8 pounds per month or whatever sounds good to you. As you begin to experience some weight loss, you can adjust your mini-goal based on how you feel about the progress you’re making and how much effort was needed to make it happen.

Reaching your main goal is more likely to happen when you establish some milestones along the way, such as 5 pounds, then 10, then 20 and so on.

It’s too bad that some people give up before things really fall into place.
Here are 2 good quotes:

“Your victory is right around the corner.
Never give up.”
– Nicki Minaj

“Success is the sum of small efforts,
repeated day in and day out.”
– Robert Collier

“Celebrate Each Step to Success!” is written on this image.

I used fireworks as the background because when we see fireworks, it usually means there’s something to celebrate and a reason to cheer.  When you take steps that lead you closer to your goal, it’s good to pause now and then to celebrate and appreciate what is happening.

It doesn’t matter how small those steps might be, as long as you’re moving in the right direction.

The people who are most likely to reach their goal are the ones that celebrate each step to success.  In other words, they feel gratitude and find some way to celebrate the occasion when they reach a mini-goal or milestone and especially when they reach the major goal.

By the way, giving thanks and being grateful is all about having a positive mindset and applying positive energy to the things that lead to your goal.